VI Package Manager (VIPM)

Edit options

All configuration settings for VIPM are available under the options window. Clicking on Tools > Options in the menu of VIPM will display the options window as shown in the figure below.

Figure 91 - VIPM options dialog

As shown above, the options are divided in seven major categories:

1.  General: General VIPM options that do not fall into other categories.

2.  Network: Network connection, repository URL settings and Proxy management settings

3.  LabVIEW: Options related to the management of your LabVIEW versions that VIPM controls.

4.  VI Package Configuration: Options related to the package configuration editor window.

5.  VI Package Builder: Options related to the VI Package Builder window.

6.  VI Repository Manager: Options available related to the VI package repository management.

7.  Advanced: Settings for managing OpenG SourceForge Package Mirrors

Pressing OK will save any modifications done close the options window. All of the above categories are explained in the following sections.


General Options

Network Options

LabVIEW Options - Version Management

PCE Options - Package Configuration Editor

Package Builder Options - VI Package Builder

Advanced Options - OpenG Package Mirrors

Repository Manager Options

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