VI Package Manager (VIPM) > Using VI Package Builder


Along the top of the VI Package Builder you will find the toolbar which provides shortcuts to some of the most frequently needed functions used to edit and build a VI Package. The toolbar is shown below.

Figure 44 - VI Package Builder Toolbar


1. New Package Project

Selecting this item will allow you to browse to a new package project source folder. Note that VIPM only requires you to select a folder containing your source files. You do not need to specify a build file.

2. Open Package Project

Selecting this item will allow you to browse to a package project source that has already been used previously by VIPM. Note that VIPM only requires you to select a folder containing your source files. You do not need to specify a build file.

3. Save Package Project

Selecting this item will save the current build project. Make sure you have specified a source directory before saving.

4. Build Package

Builds the VI Package.

5. Open Package Output Folder
Opens the folder that contains, or will contain, the built VI Package file.

6. Publish Built Package to Repository
Allows you to publish the package you just built to any repository you are managing. Before the package is published, VIPM will show you a confirmation dialog.

7. Abort Current Action

Certain actions can be aborted by pressing this button.

8. Help
Opens the built-in help documentation inside your default web browser. The help is context sensitive and will show help for the current property page you are viewing.

9. Package Targets

Specifies the LabVIEW version that will be used to build the Package. This is also the version of labVIEW which will be required to install your package. You can select a different newer version of LabVIEW than the version used to save your source VIs. You cannot select a version older than the version of LabVIEW used to save your source VIs.


If you select System as your target then LabVIEW will not be used to build your package. In fact you don’t need LabVIEW installed to build System packages.

You can also right-click on this selector to launch the selected LabVIEW version.


10. Throbber
When animated, the throbber indicates that the VI Package Builder is busy.

When not animated (static), the throbber indicates that the VI Package Builder is in idle state.

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